Sunbreak Coaching

Rediscover wellness within your new normal.

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certified HEALTH COACHing

Weave wellness back into your life with individualized health coaching.


Health Coaching Packages

Has your health been put on the back burner lately? Maybe you have experienced many lifestyle changes during the pandemic and it is hard to reestablish healthy habits. You’ve quit your gym membership and the pantry is a minefield of temptation. I am here to help you navigate your new normal and set you up to thrive.

14 Day Health Orientation

Three 1:1 coaching sessions in 14 days to clarify where to start on your health journey.

  • 3x 45 minute sessions conducted via phone

  • Includes handouts and office hour support via email and text

30 Day Jump Start to Wellness

Five 1:1 coaching sessions in 30 days to jump start healthy movement and nutrition habits.

  • 5x 45 minute sessions conducted via phone

  • Includes customized handouts, helpful tools, and office hour support via email and text

90 Day Healthy Habit Reset

Twelve 1:1 coaching sessions in 90 days to transform your habits and achieve your health goals.

  • 12x 45 minute sessions conducted via phone

  • Includes customized handouts, helpful tools, and office hour support via email and text


“With Laura’s coaching, I realized that poor time management stood in the way of my ability to exercise in the evenings. With a few simple tweaks to my morning routine and practical tools that I can implement daily, I have been able to carve out time for fitness and I have been able to stick with it for months now!”

— Dany

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Hi! I’m Laura.

I am passionate about helping you navigate the challenges of integrating healthy habits into your daily routine. I am on a mission to make embracing healthy habits simple, sustainable, and even fun! I have degrees in biology and environmental science, so my approach to coaching blends my science-oriented brain with my values for holistic wellness. I believe that we can feel better as we age, that health is contagious, and it starts with the right mindset. And I know for sure that when you focus on your health, it will spill over into every other area of your life. I’m here to support you through it all.

My coaching journey began after I had my second baby in 2020, right in the midst of the first COVID shutdown. I was not prepared for how hard it was to lose weight and regain my fitness afterwards. I hadn’t struggled as much after my first baby, so I thought it wouldn’t be a problem this time around. SO not true! I had quit my gym membership because of COVID. I was struggling with a sugar addiction. I was moving less, sleeping poorly, and just trying to survive in my new normal with two kids. Everything I had been doing before was no longer working for me. Tapping into my science background and curiosity for knowledge, I started doing some research. I learned how to make my metabolism do most of the work. I shifted my mindset. I learned about the science of habit change. I made small and sustainable changes. I tried new things and figured out what works for me. After about 8 months of consistent discipline, I was finally loving my body and feeling stronger than ever! I knew that if I did it, I could help other people do it as well. So, I set out to do just that. I hope you’ll join me on your journey to feeling like your best self again.


“I've benefited so much from Laura's holistic approach to health. Her suggestions are always rooted in research and sound in logic. We worked together to set achievable goals and her encouragement & positivity always kept me on track. She taught me a lot about nutrition and empowered me to make smart choices about food. I know now that diet is not about deprivation, but about keeping mind AND body satiated.”

— Cher

“After working with Laura, I have been able to better manage my anxiety and learn helpful tools for reducing stress. I have more awareness around my mind body connection, and how stress was showing up as physical pain. Small changes over time have led to increased energy and a more positive perspective.”

— Sam


Let’s Connect!

Ready to weave wellness into your life? Let’s Chat!